GrAT provides its expertise through projects. Lifespan of a project varies from 6 months to 5 years. The clients also vary from a private company to a multinational institution. Three components – themes, modalities, and deliverables – define a project. Often more than theme is dealt with through in a combined set of methods to generate diverse results and outcomes. 

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Entwicklung eines baubiologisch hochwertigen Wärmedämmverbundsystems auf Basis von Schilf

A thermal insulation system was developed based on reed as an alternative material to conventional synthetic insulation products. The developed system was applied to a building from the project Renew Building. 2008-09; TU Wien, Institut für Hochbau und Technologie; Nordson...
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Innovation checks Innovation checks aim to enable small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Austria to start continuous research and innovation activities. Several of these cooperative projects were realised: Ecological paint, oil and glue for interior carpenter products, Tischlerei Fahrthofer Research...
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Design for Green Growth – DfGG

The ‘Training on Product and Service Design for Green Growth (DfGG)’ was a special training program, organised under the framework of the Korea Green Growth Policy. It aimed to provide business planners and designers in Korean enterprises with an opportunity...
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 Treeplast  ® As an element of the S-House, a special screw “Treeplast” was developed that fixes straw bales and other components. The thread and the gauge of the screw were designed and analysed with inspiration from biomimicry. The screw is...
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Creating Greenphilippines Island of Sustainability – GPiOS

The overall objective is to contribute to an improved environmental and sustainable industrial development of metro Manila and its linked region Calabarzon resulting in improved living conditions in these targeted regions. The specific objective is to reduce the pollution level...
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Konzept zur Verbreitung nachhaltiger Gartengestaltung in Niederösterreich – Grundlageninformationen, Entscheidungshilfen, Demonstrationsmöglichkeiten

Concept for Dissemination of Sustainable Garden Design in Lower Austria – Basic Information, Decision-making Tools, Demonstration Options Based on the “Lower Austrian guide to natural gardens”, this study provides information about ecological consequences of different garden design solutions. Especially materials...