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Zero Carbon Resorts Building Energy Autonomous Resorts Creating Appropriate Technology Solutions
GrAT, Gruppe Angepasste Technologie
12-31-2015 / 06:12:07
Innovative Baustoffe aus nachwachsenden Rohstoffen: Anwendung und Umweltauswirkungen
WKO, Wirtschaftsimpulse durch Forschung
12-31-2015 / 06:05:54
SEID – Sustainable & Efficient Industrial Development Examples of Best Practice & Results
GrAT, Gruppe Angepasste Technologie
12-31-2015 / 04:39:00
Escape from the cycle of poverty, Experiences from the SEID project in Bhutan and Nepal
SwitchAsia, MAG
07-31-2015 / 04:43:55
Innovative Buildings of Austria 2015, S-HOUSE
Innovative Buildings of Austria
06-30-2015 / 04:45:10
SEID Sustainable & Efficient Industrial Development in Nepal & Bhutan
GrAT, Gruppe Angepasste Technologie
12-31-2013 / 05:29:11