GrAT provides its expertise through projects. Lifespan of a project varies from 6 months to 5 years. The clients also vary from a private company to a multinational institution. Three components – themes, modalities, and deliverables – define a project. Often more than theme is dealt with through in a combined set of methods to generate diverse results and outcomes. 

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Low Carbon and Climate resilient industrial development in Egypt, Kenya, Senegal and South Africa – LCCR

The aim of this project is to provide services to draft a Green Industry Action Plan as a proposal to policy makers to advance the low carbon and climate resilient industrial development in the project areas (Kenya, South Africa, Egypt...
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Sustainable and Efficient Industrial Development (SEID)

The SEID project aimed at contributing to sustainable development of the tourism and agro-based sectors of Bhutan and Nepal, through a series of company consulting, implementation of appropriate technology solutions, intensive capacity building programmes, and better academic and policy environment....
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Renew Building – Kompetenzaufbau und Wissenstransfer für Klima schonende Sanierung mit ökologischen und nachwachsenden Rohstoffen

This project set a straight strategy for climate protection through ecologically efficient renovation and restoration of buildings.