Information-point for Renewable and Environmental/Ecological Materials

The information-point for renewable materials is an internet platform with full information and detailed data about building materials made of renewable resources, which serves as the central information-point for architects, planners, public and private master builders, as well as planning commissions. Main goal of the project is it to provide an effective tool to support the integration of renewable resources into planning and realisation of modern buildings, to overcome numerous hindering aspects, and to support positive developments (see also our study ‘Renewable Resources in the Building Sector’).

  • Information-point for renewable resources
  • Information-point for materials and transfer
  • Information-point for renewable resources and ecological materials (II) – online information plus services
  • Information-point building materials
  • Information-point materials and services


2004–10; – ; bmvit, Haus der Zukunft, Fabrik der Zukunft