GrAT provides its expertise through projects. Lifespan of a project varies from 6 months to 5 years. The clients also vary from a private company to a multinational institution. Three components – themes, modalities, and deliverables – define a project. Often more than theme is dealt with through in a combined set of methods to generate diverse results and outcomes. 

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Renew Building – Kompetenzaufbau und Wissenstransfer für Klima schonende Sanierung mit ökologischen und nachwachsenden Rohstoffen

This project set a straight strategy for climate protection through ecologically efficient renovation and restoration of buildings.
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Zero Carbon Village – Energieautarke Siedlung, Industrielle Forschung

Zero Carbon Village – Energy-autonomous Settlement, Industrial Research In the ZCV project, the concept of a totally CO2 neutral and energy-autonomous settlement was created. Straw bale construction, industrialised modular production and renewable energy sources were investigated and synthesised to develop...
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Zero Carbon Gebäude International – Begleitmessung und Auswertung (Philippinen)

Zero Carbon Building International – Monitoring and Evaluation (Philippines) The goal of this project “Zero Carbon Gebäude International”/”Zero Carbon Building International” is the evaluation and analysis of the Zero Carbon Demonstration Building, realised by GrAT in Puerto Princesa, Philippines, taking...
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Strategieentwicklung für (technische/wirtschaftliche Machbarkeit) von energieautarken Gebäuden

Energy autonomous building The state-of-the-art was searched and analysed to develop a conceptual model and strategies for energy autonomous buildings. This project was the basis for following projects such as ZCV, ZCR, and LCH. 2006–08; Architekt Werner Schmid; Architektin Magret...
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Zero CO2 Cooler – der Kühlschrank mit Warmwasseranschluss

Zero CO2 Cooler – the Fridge with Hot Water Connection This project aimed at developing an alternative cooling and refrigerating device that is based on thermal cooling and thus avoids the conversion losses that usually occur when using thermal energy...
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Stroh-Cert: Zertifizierung, Logistik und Qualitätsmanagement für den Strohballenbau

Stroh-Cert: Certification, Logistics and Quality Management for Straw Bale Building Straw bales are the bricks sustainable architecture is made of. Austria has gained leadership in Europe as far as straw bale building is concerned, not least because of many successful...