GrAT provides its expertise through projects. Lifespan of a project varies from 6 months to 5 years. The clients also vary from a private company to a multinational institution. Three components – themes, modalities, and deliverables – define a project. Often more than theme is dealt with through in a combined set of methods to generate diverse results and outcomes.
Methodology for Product Service System Innovation – MEPPS
Methodology for Product Service System Innovation – MEPPS 2003-05; -;READ MORE
ICSAD Alpbach 2007
International Competition on Sustainable Architecture and Design 2007 GrAT organized ICSAD 2007 to give architecture students an insight on sustainable building solutions and to encourage them to integrate this new perspective in their design activities. With the funding of Austrian...READ MORE
Infoknoten nawaro
Information-point for Renewable and Environmental/Ecological Materials The information-point for renewable materials is an internet platform with full information and detailed data about building materials made of renewable resources, which serves as the central information-point for architects, planners, public and private...READ MORE